Monday, February 7, 2011

Catching Up!!!

Okay so I haven't posted anything in well... FOREVER!! Student teaching in the Fall kind of put me behind a little, but I have graduated from college and have some free time on my hands. I have made it my New Year's resolution to keep this thing updated and put my photography business out there to rope in some new customers!!! 2011 is going to bring great things. I have already booked a few family sessions and a wedding that I am very excited to shoot!! I am also working on two other weddings!! YAY!!

For everyone out there who is not familiar with my work, I hope to be posting some price lists and contact info ASAP!!! This is really my passion, and I want to share it with everyone!!

If you haven't already, please join my blog. Leave me some feedback. I love to know what you think!!!

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